Thursday, 27 February 2020

Golden Nights and Silver Days

I had to (almost) reuse this title since I remember it was one of the nights when I was falling passionately in love with Charles, and I've been recapturing that feeling lately. He's been having his life go crazy the past couple of months, but he's making a real point of investing in our relationship, and that makes me feel so loved and valued.

We've increased the amount of time we're seeing each other, and have spent more time chatting on the phone and texting, too. It's definitely making me feel more connected and happier. This week, we will spend three days together including two overnights, which is pretty awesome. 

I'm still glowing from yesterday, though. He came over after work, and Henry made delicious dinner for everyone- steak with garden salad and parmesan noodles on the side. Like I've said before, it's pretty fantastic just being open about my loves. According to my Facebook memories, we came out to Kiddo as poly over a year ago, so this is just a normal part of our lives now. I'm glad everyone gets along so well. Then the four of us played some board games after dinner until it was Kiddo's bedtime.

Henry is a sweetie, and he excused himself so that we could have some privacy for our date night. I like that we can hang out together, but every relationship deserves its own space, after all. Charles and I decided it was bedtime as well, and went upstairs.

Most of the time, we enjoy having very long sex sessions. I don't know what the real average is for people- I hope that the ones I see posted (something like 11 minutes?) are skewed because I just can't imagine that being a normal amount of time to have sex. Maybe my readers want to chime in? But, I digress! 

Yesterday I just found myself feeling much more urgent. We'd had a nice long round of sex the night before, and both of us were feeling pretty satisfied with that, but then some very intense lust came over me and I just had to have him, right then. So instead of having him lick my pussy, I just climbed right on his cock and started riding him while I was nibbling down his neck the way he likes. I was still very tight since we jumped right into PIV, but feeling him sliding inch by inch into my already wet pussy, opening me up slowly, was such a turn on. Every little thrust was making us both gasp and moan because it felt so good. I enjoy his cock so much!

But I really, really needed to cum and I knew that wasn't going to happen just from riding his cock, so he suggested that I move up and sit on his face. Mmm... I know he loves that- he gets the best access to me! And I could lean back and play with his cock while his tongue was flicking against my clit... so much fun and pleasure. But that urgency was overtaking us and he begged me to let him fuck me. I wanted very much to be filled so that sounded just perfect to me! I was so wet and open and needing him inside me. I don't cum easily from fucking, but he still felt so good. Of course though, I still needed to cum... so I made him promise to lick up every last drop he left in my cunt. I love the feeling of a tongue licking me clean when I'm oh so sensitive and that finally got me over the edge too with a truly massive orgasm that left me with a bad case of the giggles. You know it's been a good fuck when you can't stop giggling afterwards from the rush of endorphins!

Then we went out to hang out in the hot tub. It was such a beautiful evening. We sat out there for four hours in the gently falling snow just chatting and enjoying each other's company. I am head over heels in love and reminding myself to count my blessings with the two wonderful men in my life.

And last night, I gave him a key to my home. I've never done that with a partner before other than my ex-husband and Henry. I told Charles that he was always welcome here and I wanted him to know that. I don't know if he realizes what a big deal it was to me, because my home is my castle, but it meant a lot.

It was so lovely waking up with Charles this morning since neither of us had to work early, so we slept in late and then just spent the morning in bed together hanging out and cuddling and waking up slowly. There isn't much better than morning cuddles with someone you love.

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