Well, it's been an interesting year, plotting my sex life in numbers. I have really enjoyed using xTracker, since it keeps a lot of meaningful stats. I do wish that it had a separate function for both giving and receiving oral sex though, so I just track blowjobs as handjobs lol since I don't really do that to completion. It's been very interesting going over the raw statistics! I look forward to comparing this coming year's data. I can track sexual encounters by partner (and can pick more than 1!), store pics, and keep track of everything from number of orgasms to what activities we did in what positions to where my partner ejaculates. Definitely an app I'd recommend for hotwife couples!
At the beginning of the year, I had said that I wanted to have sex on average 4 times per week. Well, everyone told me that target was a bit too ambitious for reality, and I suppose it was. It looks like I am going to finish the year at 133 times, or just over 2.5 times per week. I think there is still a lot of room for improvement!
I've still only had the same two sex partners this year, which I find sort of interesting. I don't consider myself a polyfidelitous sort of person, because I like leaving myself available for opportunities. I've had a few so far but they just didn't seem appealing enough. Life's been busy, my two men are both wonderful in the sack, and nothing has caught my attention hard enough to make me want to change it up. I'm sure it'll happen in the future, especially if I meet another woman I'm attracted to. I do miss playing with women!
I read an interesting article about how sex and sexuality is changing in recent times- even over the last twenty years. Apparently the amount of sex people having is on the decline, and the average person had sex 62 times a year in the 1990s, and the most recent measurement had declined to 54 times by 2014. I guess even this year of mine where I had less was still more than double average! But then again, I do have a very high sex drive ;) I wish they had tracked duration, as well. I suspect that my average encounter is far longer than the societal average (although then I suppose we'd have to specify what they are counting as sex?). One company has it marked pretty low:
I do think it's sad to read that people are struggling to build the kinds of connections that will let them develop intimacy. It's certainly made me consider what kinds of things I want to teach Kiddo so that he can learn to build healthy relationships when he matures. Being able to make intimate connections is so important to emotional health and happiness.
I'm so lucky to have Charles and Henry in my life. I agree that the best sex comes with partners who have been around enough to learn what you like. Having encounters with new people is fun, but nothing beats a lover touching you exactly the way you like to be touched.
Looking forward to 2020 and lots of sex and happiness!
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